Yahoo looking to acquire Xobni

Yahoo is currently interested in a start up called “Xobni” a Address book app and plugin developer. The company got funded for $40 million (one of the many investors is Cisco) but has unfortunately not have much success. However their app is very powerful allowing to create a cross platform user friendly address book.

It is rumoured that Yahoo wants to acquire it to use it for its mail which creates a profile for every user that registers, Xobni could provide a improved “find by email” function and this could also be a way of Yahoo getting more and more into mobile.

Yahoo is not the first company to make an offer on Xobni, previously Microsoft had made a offer of $20 million dollars, but CEO Jeff Bonforte refused it. If Yahoo acquires Xobni, it will be second company she acquires in less then 2 months and a possible third could be foursquare.

Here is a video showing off Smartr for iPhone



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