Whatsapp Plus APK free download Version 6.47

WhatsApp Plus is a modified version of WhatsApp, which offers some interesting extras, like the ability to change the size of files that you want to share, send pictures with full resolution or hide your connection status. Recently, Whatsapp Plus has made a new version available, Version 6.47.

The new Version (just like in WhatsApp Version 2.11.44) gives you the ability to disable the double blue ticks, in addition you can also remove the second non-blue tick. Other then that the update mainly addresses bug fixes like fixing animated icons and general performance improvements.

Whatsapp Plus APK free download Version 6.47

WhatsApp APK 6.47

While WhatsApp Plus isn’t available on the Play Store and can only be downloaded and installed by downloading the .apk file. You can get your  Whatsapp Plus apk free download of version 6.47 here  with file name: WhatsAppPLUSv6.47.apk. We highly recommend you first uninstall your old version of WhatsApp or WhatsApp Plus before you install the new one.

How to Install WhatsApp Plus APK on Android

  1. You can download WhatsApp + V6.47 from the link mentioned previously
  2. We recommend you back up all your conversations, this can be done from WhatsApp > Menu Button > Settings > Chat Settings. Tap Backup Conversations.
  3. Once you have downloaded the .apk file and created a backup, we highly recommend you uninstall your previous version of WhatsApp to prevent any conflicts.
  4. enable the option to install the third party apps apps.
  5. then Run the WhatsAppPLUSv6.47.apk file
  6. Follow the installation instructions
  7. Voila!



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