How Weather Sensors Can Help You Build a Safer Community

As a leader, you understand the weight of community responsibility riding on your shoulders. Families and individuals depend on you to keep them informed and protected. When it comes to the unpredictable and often dangerous impacts of severe weather, advance warning can help keep people safe.

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Earth Networks operates the most comprehensive, global network of weather monitoring technology on the planet. Through their lightning strike detector and mapping system, they provide real-time weather data when you need it most. Utilizing Earth Networks’ weather sensing technology can help protect your community.

Early Detection

The proprietary Earth Networks Total Lightning Network monitors and records both ground strikes and in-cloud activity. It recognizes developing thunderstorms, tornadoes, high winds, downpours and other significant weather events. Capable of long-range detection, the sensors capture lightning and storm formation high in the clouds, delivering faster, more accurate warning notifications. In the event of an emergency, extra lead time can save lives and Earth Networks’ technology can provide you and your community with prompt, accurate notification at industry-leading speed.

Clear, Precise Communication

Their revolutionary technology provides real-time arrival data with GPS accuracy. The proprietary systems analyze and chart storm movement as it happens, efficiently gathering data and relaying it to you immediately. Whether you need to get players off the field or protect a business, Earth Networks provides high-decibel Outdoor Alerting Systems, animated computer visuals and mobile alerts. Their meteorological experts are standing by to forecast specific conditions and provide updates over the phone as well.

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Peace of Mind

Nothing is more important than the safety of your community. With Earth Networks’ weather sensing systems and services you can rest assured that you have a state-of-the-art weather tracker whenever you need it. Earth Networks makes it easy to present scientifically-backed data and relay potential weather impacts to your stakeholders quickly and cost-effectively.

Although you can’t control the weather, you can plan ahead and protect your community with Earth Networks’ weather tracking and alerting technology. Their cutting-edge advancements in accurate detection can take the guess work out of your weather-related responsibilities.


