You have less than 1 minute to capture the attention of your site visitors. After 1 minute, they can either stay or leave. Statistics show that the average time a visitor stays on your site is 30 seconds or less and if they didn’t take any action like click on another page, then it is time to re-evaluate your web design and layout. In this article we will give you some useful tips to improve your web design like a professional web designer would do.
Make your homepage striking without overkilling it
First impression of your visitors depends largely on your homepage since it is what they see first. Thus, you should put a lot of effort on this page. You should make it look striking and appealing but do not overdo it. Your homepage should clearly state what’s your site is about, what you offer and how visitors can proceed from there. And you should do all that without using too many words that can bore your visitors. Keep it short and simple but make sure leave a great impact. Do not put unnecessary elements on your homepage that might confuse the site visitors.
Navigation is key
When designing your website, navigation is key. It’s essentially the map that displays where your users go. You should always keep it simple for the users. They should easily see what they are looking for. When the logo is clicked, it should go back to the homepage. The menu bar should include important pages that your visitors might want to check out. Your footer should also be neat. Everything should be plain and simple. You do not want to leave your users not knowing what to do because when that happens, they will surely close the site and look for another site that is easy to navigate.
Use appropriate images
You should be careful in using images. First of all, you should not copy images with reserved copyrights, then be sure that the images that you will use are not offensive. You should only use appropriateimages for your content. As much as possible, use your own images.
Implement calls-to-action
It is also important practice to place CTA or call-to-action buttons. You should place it strategically so you guide your visitors on what to do next. CTA buttons must be big and formidable without being too flashy and obvious.
Include social media shares and follow buttons
Social media sites are very popular and the more likes and followers you get the better. So it is best to include social media shares and follow buttons to your posts.
Responsive design is a mustÂ
Last and most importantly, you should make your design responsive especially for users who are using mobile phone. The layout of the site should look good both on computer screens and mobile screens. You want to cater to all audiences so put extra effort to make the design and layout responsive.
You should plan well the structure and design of your website. They say content is king but with poor visuals, your content will be a complete waste. Make sure to consider the tips that we discussed in this article to improve your web design and eventually gain more traffic and followers.