Massages are potentially very awesome. Very few things in life are as pleasurable, healthy, and low-risk at the same time as a massage. There is nothing like going to your favorite massage parlor los angeles, new york, chicago, wherever your city may be, and just forgetting about life for a while while they put your body back closer to the way it was supposed to be in the first place.
But many of us don’t get regular massages, although we have every reason to do so, simply because we are unsure about the various types of massages out there on offer. Here is a brief list to help cut through the confusion.
Swedish massage:
This is the most common massage out there here in the West, as in North America etc. This massage consists mainly of either long stroking or kneading movements designed to loosen knots in the muscles, relieve tension and energize. Swedish massage is very good and it certainly offers many benefits. It’s not the oldest or deepest technique out there but it’s well worth a look.
Turkish massage:
I mention this in passing as it’s hard to find in the West at all. It’s also not for everybody. People who are physically very robust are good candidates for this, as the massage is very strong. It’s typically administered by men bigger than you are, and they are trained to show no mercy. So if you happen to like a really really strong massage and you come across a Turkish massage place somewhere, give it a try.
Thai Massage:
The Thai massage is more on the invigorating side. The person massaging you will often pull you into Yoga-like poses and have you hold them, or stretch. One of the plus sides to this is that it really focuses on joints as well as muscles. Some people may say Thai massage lacks the tools to really get deep muscle knots out, however. Others of course beg to differ, and consider it the best all-around massage, combining a variety of techniques.
Tui Na Massage:
Tui Na is a branch of the ancient art of Chinese medicine, which includes acupuncture, and often the two are combined, sometimes along with herbal ointments to be rubbed into certain problem parts of the body. This is my personal favorite, as their knowledge of the body and its paths and curves is unparalleled in this world. Tui Na massages also sometimes use techniques similar to chiropractic techniques, and besides being excellent at relieving tension, can be used to treat injuries such as muscle sprains, etc.