Tips To Ensure A Smooth Office Move

It’s all about the planning and preparation. This is not something you want to leave until the last minute.  Moving is undoubtedly stressful especially if it is your entire office you are packing up and moving. To help you avoid a disastrous move and a high level of stress below are a few key pointers to make your office move go smoothly.

Before The Move

It is recommended that you start the planning process at least 3 months in advance.

Don’t try to do all the moving yourself source professional help for the day of the move. You can use delivery comparison websites like Shiply to get multiple free quotes. It also allows you to check the mover’s previous customer-rated feedback and to ask them questions before accepting a bid. Make sure whatever company you do pick has adequate credentials, qualifications and insurance.

Prepare for the packing. Let staff know if the need to pack their own desks or drawers. Source the necessary packing and cleaning material that will be needed for the day of the big move. Ensure that there is time scheduled for packing that will cause minimum disruption to the office.

Don’t forget to arrange for the companies mail to be forwarded to the new address.

Moving day

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It is best to try and arrange the actual move to be out of office hours for example on Saturday afternoon in order to minimize disruption to the work force. If the move is done on the weekend it will allow staff to come into work on Monday and get cracking with their jobs immediately.

It’s important to have a member of staff at the current and previous office locations on the day of the move. This way they can supervise the movers and instruct on where to unload certain items etc. (it’s a good idea to have prepared a rough blueprint of where everything will go in the office before the move).

Remember health and safety while moving! Don’t allow staff members to lift heavy items this is best left to the professional movers who are trained for it.

On the day of the move take extra care with confidential files, perhaps get a manger to transport these or simply ensure access to them isn’t obtainable unless you are staff.

Unload and unpack IT equipment first and get it set up immediately.

After You Have Moved

Once you are moved into the office make sure to let your customers and suppliers know that you have moved. Update your address on your website etc.

Make it comfortable, add plants artwork and other items.

And finally, celebrate your new office with your staff (especially those who made it happen)!

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