The Types of Skills Needed for a Tech Career

Given the way that the world of technology is constantly changing and how tech can affect the way that people interact and do business, moving into a career in tech is definitely one of the best ideas around. Nonetheless, when it comes to getting the top jobs, you can be entering a very competitive field. This is why it is important to arm yourself with as many tech skills as possible if you want to make sure that you have the highest chance of getting hired. If you are interested in learning about these different types of tech skills, then you are in the right place, as this guide has been created to provide you with the essential overview. Read on now to learn more. 


If you want to ensure a successful career in the tech industry, you need to learn how to program. This is no matter whether or not you want a broad tech-focused role or you want to specialize in a topic that is directly related to programming, such as working on the back end or front end of a company or even working as a full-stack developer. The types of programming languages — some of which are currently being taught in high schools — that you should be aware of and have full knowledge of how to use include R, Snakemake, HTML, Java, Javascript, C++, C, C#, and HTML. You can either take dedicated programming courses, or you can elect to take a master’s in computer science.

Data Science

To ensure that you understand how the modern world works and to grab your chance of securing a career in the tech industry with both hands, it is so important to be fully understanding of how data science works. Data is often compared to oil, considering how the vast economic riches of understanding data works and how being able to collect and analyze data properly can transform the world of business and technology. If you would like to learn more about how to master this world, then it is definitely worth pursuing an online master of computer science in data science today. 

Cloud Computing Knowledge 

Since its introduction, cloud computing has been touted as one of the most exciting developments when it comes to the way that people share information, secure data across different platforms, and have an easy backup in the case of a data breach. It is likely that the possibilities involved with cloud technology will replace email, which has been criticized by many members of the new generation as being almost obsolete. By being aware of the way that cloud technology functions, you are giving yourself the best chance of being successful in your job hunt, regardless of whether or not you have a tech role or just a general position within a company. 


If data security disasters such as the SolarWinds hack or the Microsoft Data breach have told us anything, it’s that even some of the biggest businesses in the world can be vulnerable to hacks. This is despite the rise of more secure technologies such as the cloud or blockchain. If you want to work within a tech business, you should definitely have the knowledge about how a company can keep its data secure, whether or not it’s through installing anti-virus software, using VPNs, or installing firewalls to ensure the proper segmentation of your business. After all, the last event you want to happen is being personally responsible for data issues due to your own ignorance. 

Web Design

Given the fact that almost every business in the world operates online, the way that their websites look and function truly matters. That’s why you should definitely be aware of the ins and outs of web design. This is especially true if you want to work in a position where you are tooling a website in order to make it as enticing to the customer as possible. You can learn more about web design by taking online courses or even pursuing higher education. Nowadays, exacerbated by the pandemic, the opportunities available in studying these types of topics remotely have skyrocketed. You should be taking a look around to see if this is available in your area today. 

The Types of Skills Needed for a Tech Career - 2

Problem Solving and Resourcefulness 

While, as the name suggests, technical skills are very important for landing a great job within the tech industry, there are also a variety of general skills out there that are very important if you want to make sure that you get hired in a top position. Problem solving and resourcefulness are very important, such as being able to see what is wrong and not leaving the office until you are able to solve it. When applying for jobs, it is always useful to look at classic case studies that you have worked on, problems that you have encountered — because, after all, everyone encounters problems in their tech career — and how you eventually overcame these problems, signaling to employers that you are someone willing to work through any issues you might have. 

Project Management 

It is unlikely that you are going to be working for a tech company in a siloed position away from everyone else. Instead, you will be working as part of a team. That’s why it is a great idea to make sure that you are aware of how to be successful in project management to get tasks done as a group as opposed to as an individual. 


It has been the aim of this guide to teach you a little about the kind of tech skills that are needed when it comes to ensuring a great career in a diverse and ever-evolving industry, as well as the ways in which you can be able to learn those key skills. It goes without saying that this guide has only touched the surface of what you might need to learn about in order to be a success. Nonetheless, it is definitely worth revisiting this guide in the future if you need more inspiration about how to succeed in such an industry. Finally, good luck in finding a career that is perfect for you. 


