How Technology Has Changed Non-Surgical Rejuvenation

Technology has already changed many areas of our lives and continues to advance almost daily.  One area that people wouldn’t necessarily think of the application of tech making a difference in the realm of non-surgical beauty or rejuvenation treatments.  But you may be surprised – there are already a number of high tech ways to look younger.

Micro needling

Research by the National University of Singapore led to the creation of a miniscule needle that could deliver a tiny dose of collagen right into the dermis (skin) in order to work on those lines and wrinkles.  Micro-needling patches are the latest advance in this area, patches coated in plastic needles less than half a millimeter in length that use a hyaluronic acid serum to deal with fine lines and wrinkles around the outer eye.


For a while now, Botox has been used to help people cursed with excessive sweating but there are now other options available, primarily through the use of microwaves.  This treatment is ideal for hyperhidrosis suffers as it stops them sweating completely by delivering microwaves to the sweat glands under the arms.  There are some potential side effects such as some bruising and swelling after the treatment but sufferers, this can be a good bargain.

New thread lifts

The thread lift is back and is much better than ever before thanks to new technology.  The thread lift is combined with platelet-rich plasma from the person’s own blood and fed through a tiny opening in the temple by a hollow needle known as a cannula.  Once there, the PRP acts like a ‘project manager’ working where it is needed to reduce lines and wrinkles as well as swelling.

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Laser tattoo removal

Lots of people love their tattoos but others are not so enthusiastic – that misspelt tattoo or an old love’s name in an awkward spot can be a cause of embarrassment. But the advances in laser tattoo removal means you now have an option.  There are various options including new ultra-short picosecond pulses of high energy heat that are 100 times shorter than the former Q-switch lasers and works 2-3 times faster, causing less skin damage and healing quicker. CO2 and erbium lasers are also used to treat hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, and other common skin concerns.

Body contouring

Liposuction is invasive and leads to a considerable downtime while the body recovers.  But a new fat-busting laser device has recently started to be used in the US and breaks down the fat with less recovery time.  It uses infrared radio frequency and suction to contour and encourages fat metabolism to achieve body contouring without the surgery.



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