Strategies for Boosting Your eCommerce Sales

The world of eCommerce seems to hold an almost endless array of possibilities for sales growth, with so many people using the internet to make purchases every single day. However, every eCommerce business owner will tell you that when it comes to converting potential customers into sales figures, things suddenly become a lot more difficult to manage. That is why this list focuses on some of the most practical strategies for boosting your eCommerce sales. All of the ideas listed below can be implemented today and will offer several benefits, including boosting your eCommerce sales figures.

Punchout enhances your clients’ user experience. The optimal user experience for searching, browsing, and accessing product information is often not offered by e-procurement platforms.
By providing visitors with access to your website, Punchout solves these problems. Punchout simplifies the procure-to-pay process further by enabling all processes to be completed within their e-procurement platform.

  1. Increase Your Payment Options

The first strategy for increasing your eCommerce sales is simply to increase the number of payment integrations offered on your site. A study from Forbes has found one of the biggest reasons why online shoppers abandon a shopping cart is because of non-inclusive payment options. This study shows that not all strategies for boosting your eCommerce sales figures have to be complex; it can be as simple as increasing your payment options.

When it comes to increasing your payment options, it can be useful to do some research into the preferred payment options for your target audience. Consider both a national and international customer base, as payment preferences do tend to change a great deal from region to region. Some of the payment options you might want to offer include:

  • PayPal
  • MasterCard
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Crypto
  • American Express
  1. Reduce Shipping Costs

Companies like Amazon have transformed the online marketplace, and one of the biggest impacts they have had is on shipping expectations. Consumers no longer see free shipping as a bonus but an expected offering from an established online retailer. By offering next-day delivery for free, not only have sites like Amazon changed the game in terms of shipping times but prices too.

Studies have found that shipping costs can have a big impact on conversions; high shipping fees often account for 70% of abandoned shopping carts. Moreover, 9 out of 10 shoppers report being more likely to make a purchase when the shipping is free. Of course, it is not always practical for every business to offer free shipping, but there are strategies that you can employ to make your shipping prices more appealing to customers.

You could offer a shipping discount when a customer spends over a certain amount of money. This strategy motivates a customer to make additional purchases they wouldn’t otherwise buy while having the added benefit of making them feel like they are getting a good deal. You could also try pricing approximation. This is a strategy that takes into account the consumer perceptions of expensive shipping. So, instead of selling an item for $20 and having shipping for $5, you simply sell the item for $25 and offer free shipping.

Strategies for Boosting Your eCommerce Sales - 2

  1. Adopt an Intuitive Size Solution

You never want a customer left wondering how to find my clothing size

Offering an interactive sizing feature powered by is one of the best ways to eradicate any customer confusion or doubt regarding the size they should purchase. What makes an interactive sizing tool so effective is that it is completely personal. A customer will input details about their body shape and how they like their clothes to fit. The customer will then be recommended a size based on a bank of data collected from past customers’ orders. 

An interactive sizing tool will help to increase a customer’s trust in their sizing choice, reducing reservation and, therefore, increasing the likelihood the customer will make a purchase. Not only will it lead to an increase in sales, but the tool will help you to reduce overheads associated with processing returns. The tool will also give you access to a bank of customer data that will prove useful in future product development. 

Using the tool will help to improve a customer’s perceptions of your brand, as they are easily able to find out the information they need. Quite simply, a size solution that integrates seamlessly into your Product Display Page, helps a customer to purchase  clothes that will actually fit. This can have a big impact, as customers who buy clothes, only to find them to be far too small, will associate these negative feelings of disappointment and frustration with the brand they ordered from. Consequently, a size advisor helps to maintain positive associations with your brand even after an order has been delivered. 



Internet & Software