Social bookmarking website Delicious gets redesigned is a social bookmarking website that first launched back in 2003 and has over 5.3 million users and more then 1 billion links bookmarked. In 2005 it was acquired by Yahoo and later sold to AVOS system. The website’s design hasn’t changed very much since its last redesign in 2011, but has just gotten a complete overhaul. The website features a completely new design and tons of new features.


The entire website has been “streamlined” into a single column, making it easy to oversee and use,  with the new layout come the following improvements:

  • Tags and tag bundles are accessible from the top of every page.
  • Links can be searched or filtered by tag with a single click.
  • Double click any link to add it to your collection or edit one of your existing bookmarks.
  • The Discover feed is now personalized. See relevant links from your feed when you connect with Twitter.

With the announcement of the new design Delicious has also confirmed that they are working on mayor improvements of their Apps and browser extensions. Here is the video of the new design