Saving money isn’t a really enticing change in most people’s lives. Most people view saving money as more of a stifling life choice that limits fun. However with the rising trend of debt in the country alone, many people are not where they should be (or could be) financially. Freedom from debt and a comfortably…
How we charge portable devices has changed quite a lot over recent years. This is for two reasons. The first reason is that tech devices like our smartphones and laptops are becoming more powerful. The other reason is that there are new charging technologies that are available for us to use. However, the two reasons…
What do you get from automating workflow or business processes? Many important benefits! In this day and age, not making use of technology to automate processes or workflow can already be considered a fault, especially if you are operating a business that involve many repetitive processes.
The following are seven of the most compelling reasons why…
These days, many corporate leaders are realizing that they can optimize their visibility and increase their conversion rates through the power of digital marketing. However, many of these business owners do not have experience in selecting a digital marketing company to assist them with the brand-building process. If this is your current challenge, you should…
These days, many companies are turning to IT managed services instead of having a dedicated IT department. This arrangement works great, especially for smaller companies that have plenty of computer and software-based needs. If your business falls into the category and you’re ready to get the most out of your contracted IT service,…
These days, it wouldn't be exaggerating to say that your business can achieve essentially anything with the cloud. Over the years, the variety of cloud functionality has flourished, as Solutions Review observes .
However, if you are considering shifting your firm to the cloud, the range of services to pick from can…
Imagine being able to automate a home without having an inclination towards programming. Imagine possessing the ability to bring art projects to life or having the capacity to build one-of-a-kind toys without even owning a soldering kit or understanding how a printed circuit board works.
There was a time when these “imaginings” could never be, particularly…
Google is planning on soon officially launching its new operation system, Android L which is currently only available as a developer preview for a limited amount of devices. The final version of Android L will become available on a wide variety of flagship smartphones the question is: Will my Device get Android L?
Manufacturers are not…
We know for a couple of weeks now that Google is working on a new Android version, Android 4.4.3. All though the update will mainly contain bug fixes and some minor UI changes (as far as we are currently aware of). It will also fix the annoying Nexus 5 camera battery drain issue in which…
While you are just minding your business, you suddenly get a pop-up message saying "unfortunately the process has stopped". Regardless of what device you use or what you were doing at the time, this message can be quiet annoying and prevent you from using several of Google's services and is an error message Android…
LG held a press conference at the worlds biggest electronic show the Consumer Electronic Show 2014. The conference took place at 8AM PT / 11AM ET on Monday, January 6th. The press conference kicked off with an inspirational video showing off LG's accomplishments over the past few years and how it has become the company it…
In the recent years, industries have seen an exponential growth in data and resources. However, lack of efficient identity and access management to the data has always been a threat to organization’s security. The risks of these issues damage organizations both internally and externally. Regulating the necessary flow of data and its access management is…