Samsung is the most popular smartphone brand in emerging markets according to Korean Media. The South Korean tech giant is already incredibly popular in countries like South Korean, US, UK and Europe but also in emerging markets like Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey.
A survey done by the Credit Suisse Research Institute on 15.000 users shows that 30% of them would buy a Samsung smartphone if they could buy one. In some countries like Saudia Arabia more then 57% of the people chose Samsung and in China almost 50%.
There are still several markets that Samsung isn’t the leader in as countries like South Africa and Indonesia are dominated by Nokia, the Finnish smartphone manufacturer that recently got acquired by Microsoft. While Samsung is doing well in emerging markets, its recent flagship smartphone the Galaxy S5 hasn’t been doing all too well as it has missed its sale target, while it was estimated that more then 21 million devices would be shipped just 15 million were sold.