Paranoid Android 4.5 Beta 2 brings Design improvements and small tweaks

The Paranoid Android team has just released Paranoid Android 4.5 Beta 2 a month after it released the Paranoid Android 4.5 beta which brought Android L style and performance improvements. In beta 2 the team mainly made some design improvements specially to the new “Recent View” style. Here is a full Changelog:

  •  Design improvements for recents
  • The calculator was made themeable
  • Merged upstream Theme Engine changes merged

Now in “Recent View” you will be able to see the App’s name and the color of the action bar will be colored depending on the app’s icon. This will make it much easier to distinguish the app that is open and will make a rather big change in usability. You can check out the official video of the update here:


You can Download the update from the official Paranoid Android download center here



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