New T-Rex Google Chrome Easter egg found on loading page

We all love easter eggs, don’t we? Google is master of easter eggs with many hidden games and little features in its software used by millions of users a day, recently a user found another little easter egg in the Chromium code one that allows you to play a game on the “unable to connect to the internet” page.

On the “Unable to connect to the internet” you can find a little dinosaur, the T-rex (which was created by Sebastian Gabriel ) will turn into a fun little mini game if you press space bar. The game consist in running as far as you can without hitting any obstacles, you can use the space bar on your keyboard to let the T-rex jump. Here is a little animated GIF that gives you a small preview of the game:

Google chrome easter egg

You can view some other Google easter eggs here. Know any we might have missed? Leave a comment and let us know!