What To Look For in a Good E-Juice

The next time it’s time to buy e-juice, you may want to think about what makes for a truly great juice, and what your needs truly are, as they have probably shifted and you may not even be fully aware of it.

How Much Tobacco?

Granted, most vapers start out by buying some kind of tobacco e-juice in their chosen level of nicotine strength, and this is perfectly fine. However, it should be noted that, as you reduce or even eliminate the nicotine component to your vaping, you will find that the flavor aspect of your experience increases in quality steadily. This is because nicotine just doesn’t taste very good; the best tasting juices will always be the nicotine-free ones.

This is why vaping can actually be a great way to quit nicotine dependency, and has worked as such for many many vapers over the past years.

Quality Matters

Speaking of quality, you should always buy the best juice you can get your hands on, especially considering how long lasting a small bottle can be.

Look for a very short ingredient list, with no additives or preservatives or other nonsense. Proper e-juice contains a vegetable glycerin and/or propylene glycol (necessary as a base and completely stable inert and non-toxic), nicotine (optionally), and the actual flavoring(s), which should always be food-grade, since they are meant to be inhaled. Run, don’t walk, away from any juice that doesn’t meet these simple criteria.

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Variety is the Spice of Life

Don’t be afraid to try different kinds of vape flavors, as you will find your taste buds mature and evolve as you gain experience with vaping. A flavor you may have thought of as gross or weird when first starting to vape my have a surprising appeal to you that you never would have thought possible. Reputable vape shops should be more than willing to give out free samples in order to help you increase your repertoire of juices.

In fact, developing a relationship with your juice vendors is a great way of keeping on top of new developments in the vaping world, and allowing your palate to open up to new dimensions of sensual flavorful fun surrounded by that delicious cloud.

To Conclude

The vaping world is an exciting place full of new dimensions and types of flavor we never would have thought possible. Don’t be afraid to explore it to its fullest, and get the most out of your investment in the equipment.



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