LG Smartwatch with 3G coming to Verizon and Sprint

It has been rumored for some time now that LG is working hard on a LG G Watch successor and according to recently leaked document by the FCC LG is working on a “Smart Watch + CDMA” which means it will have 3G

The dimensions of the device are also listed 57.7 x 35.5 mm. (By comparison the Samsung Gear S is 58.3 x 39.8 mm) not much else about the new device is known except that it will come to Verizon and Sprint.

LG launched its first smartwatch running Android Wear a couple of months ago, all though reviews have been positive many users have complained about the cheap design and cheap feeling the device gives to users, this is something we could see LG change in the new smartwatch. As far as operation system goes, LG will most likely remain with Android Wear.