How to Root the LG G3 with one click using Stump

A small team of developers jcase, IOMonster, Autoprime, PlayfulGod and Team Codefire have managed to fined a security vulnerability in the LG G3 that will give the user root access with just a single click. The team has proceeded to develop an app that when clicking on “Stump” allows you to Root your LG G3.

The exploit currently works on the CDMA variants and the T-Mobile, Verizon, Spring and AT&T version of the LG G3

How to Install Stump and root the LG G3 in one click

  1. First, we highly recommend you back up your device. You can learn how to create different back ups and restore them here
  2. Download the Stump Root APK here
  3. Install the APK
  4. Run the app
  5. Press the “Stump” button
  6. The app will ask you to reboot, do so when it asks
  7. Proceed to install the SuperSU APK, you can download it here
  8. Uninstall the Stump Root app

Make sure to check out our list of the best wallpapers for the LG G3 and why you should install the Xposed Module



Apps, Google, Mobile, Technology