How To Protect Your Children’s Data And Online Privacy

There’s no doubt about it. The internet has several benefits. It creates opportunities for business ownership. It helps people to make new social connections. It also gives us access to an unlimited amount of information. The problem is that sometimes this information comes at the cost of your children. Each and every day large tech companies are gaining access to your children’s data before they’re even old enough to consent to it.

You see, most companies only require an individual to be 13 years or older to use their services. And when you consider the fact that even adults have a difficult time understanding privacy policies, this is pretty concerning. Very few people know how these companies will use the data that they’re gathering.

That’s why it’s so important that parents are vigilant about protecting their children. Social media apps are typically marketed to teenagers. And this means that their mental health, safety, and reputation could be at risk. The more information your children put online, the more vulnerable they become. So, how can a parent ensure that their child is protected from these risks? Let’s take a moment to discuss a few ways to protect your children’s data and online privacy.

  1. Education

One of the best ways to ensure that your children’s data and privacy aren’t at risk is to educate them. Teenagers are relatively careless when it comes to how much they share online. And that’s because social media platforms have convinced many that privacy is a thing of that past–that everyone is sharing everything so it’s harmless. So it’s up to you to educate your children about the value of privacy. Specifically, you should help them to understand that privacy is actually one of their rights. And you should relate it to a safer environment.

Let them know that whatever they post online is a matter of public record and that it’s likely that the information will be online permanently. Talk to your children about how these companies work and that they should always be truthful about their age if they are signing up to a website as companies will be forced to enforce greater protections as it concerns their privacy. Most importantly, you need to encourage your children to think very carefully before creating a post. If needed, you need to set rules and specific limits.

  1. Customization

Sure, you need to make sure that you educate your children about the importance of privacy and how what they share can affect their lives. However, you should also set a couple of boundaries to make it harder for the companies to collect information. This is especially the case when it comes to customizing your child’s account settings.

There are many companies that give users the ability to control the information that they’re able to gather. So when your child signs up for an account, navigate to the privacy options and settings. You should be able to opt-out of certain things. Pay close attention to cookies and location tracking. Make sure that their profiles are only visible to the people that you approve of as contacts.

Consider adding a two-part authentication process to their account. Make sure that the passwords you use are very strong and not easy to guess. Make sure that you’re aware of phishing attempts.

There are several things that you can do to make social media a safe place. For instance, certain social media platforms allow you to set your account to private. This way you get the chance to approve of the people who can see your profile. You can block certain people, turn off your activity status, and much more. Some platforms give you the ability to limit who can actually find your account. Not only that, but you’ll be able to choose who’s able to message your child directly.

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  1. Special Services

This isn’t to say that every social media platform and app is out to snatch all of your children’s data. In fact, there are some companies that offer tools and services that can help fight against this. This is especially the case when it comes to quantum data encryption companies. What is data encryption? It translates data into a code that only certain people have access to. They can access the information with a password or a private key. And this is currently one of the most effective ways to secure information.

These types of tools make it possible to browse the web and perform searches without your being tracked by companies. One of the most popular ways to encrypt information is with the use of a VPN, or Virtual Private Network. This allows you to encrypt your internet connection so that no one who is unauthorized can have access to your online activity. This means that you can receive and send emails without the contents being disclosed to your service provider.

  1. Management

Of course, most parents want to encourage their children to be independent. And this is what causes many to stray away from anything that could be perceived as “hovering” or overbearing. While this may be a good rule of thumb when it comes to certain things, it may not be when it comes to the internet. If you want to make sure that your child’s data is protected then it’s a good idea to manage their account yourself.

By managing your child’s account you can make sure that they only post things that you deem appropriate. Not only will managing the account for them to ensure that they’re protected but will also lead to greater education for you. As a parent, it’s important that you take the time to become familiar with all of the terms and conditions that companies have when it comes to minors. Where will their information end up? Is the company working with a third party? You’ll also be more aware of how certain individuals attempt to phish for information.


Technology is advancing more and more every day. And as this happens, children are spending more of their time online. This is especially the case when it comes to social media platforms and apps. Unfortunately, many children are vulnerable because they don’t understand the importance of protecting their privacy. And that’s why it’s so important that parents take the necessary steps to ensure that their children’s data remains safe.

Take the time to educate your children about the importance of protecting their privacy. Make sure that you customize their privacy settings. Use special services and tools that help with encryption. Also, don’t be afraid of managing your child’s account so that you’re always aware of what’s going on.