If you use your phone a lot you might have noticed it getting incredibly hot, all though this is something that happens a lot with Android phones there is an easy way to prevent your device from overheating. A new app called Coolify can help you with just that.
How to prevent your Phone Overheating using coolify
What is coolify? Is an app that simply helps your Android device not get overheated. The apps measures the temperature of your device and gives you tips on how to lower the temperature before you can permanently damage it
How does Coolify keep my device cool? The app requires Root access and with this can optimize the processes having to do with the processor and battery so the performance is tweaked and phone generates less heat.
For those who are curious in trying out this app, you can download it from the XDA Forums here. Remember the app requires root access and will allow you to:
- Keep your device Normal temperature
- One-Click Optimization
- Coolify is nearly transparent (once configured, it requires no additional attention)
- Support Immersive mode