How to Install High Bay LED Lights in Your Warehouse

High bay LED lights are a great solution for warehouses, factories, and any other commercial space. They use about as much electricity as a traditional incandescent light bulb, but they last much longer and give off more light. In addition to being more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly, they can cut down on your monthly electric bill by up to 85%. So if you’re looking for a way to save money and energy, then high bay LED lights might be the answer for you. You can get the best high bay LED lights from Lepro. Also check out the tips on how to install high bay LED lights in your warehouse.

How to Install High Bay LED Lights

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There are two types of LED high bay lights – single strips and clusters.

Single strip fixtures are probably the best option if you only need one unit for your warehouse. They’re the cheapest option at about $1,400, and they consume only 300W of power, which is less than the standard incandescent light bulb.

With a single strip, you need to have three individual LEDs. These LEDs come in flat packages that plug into a single box. So to set up a single strip of high bay LEDs, all you have to do is plug them in and plug your lights into a power source.

Hive clusters are a bit more expensive than a single strip, but they’re also the more energy-efficient option. You have to have five individual LED modules, which look like cylinders that fit into each other.

What are the advantages of high bay LED lights?

A high bay LED fixture provides full-spectrum lighting. It includes both red and blue—the more blue the light, the higher the productivity for the area. For example, blue light increases productivity by up to 70%. The ability of high bay LED lights to provide full-spectrum lighting can help increase the productivity of all team members, even those who have been sitting for long periods. This is because blue light can improve your cognitive performance, helping you think clearly and perform more tasks during the day. Another benefit of high bay LED lights is that they can last for many years. Since they contain no mercury, they can’t burn out, corrode, or emit hazardous materials into the air. This means that you will have a fixture that will stay working for several years with minimal maintenance.

How to pick the right high bay LEDs for your warehouse?

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Light quality is a major factor when considering what kind of high bay LED lighting to install. Most large warehouses require 3,500 lumens. A lot of the newer high bay LED lights from Sun Products, for example, have a lumens rating of 6,000 lumens. That’s a lot more than what’s available from other manufacturers, like Philips, Grote Industries, and Eaton. However, many of the newer high bay LED lights also have different color temperature settings, and the Kelvin rating listed on the box doesn’t always correspond to the color temperature you’ll see in the fixture. Some manufacturers have gotten the color temperature just right, while others have not. If you’re trying to pick a high bay LED light for your warehouse that will last, you have to consider all of these factors.

Pick the best LED lights for your warehouses from


High bay LED lights are an affordable way to improve the appearance of your warehouse, increase productivity, and reduce energy use. In addition, they can give your warehouse an energy-saving advantage over its competitors. With these three tips, you can easily transform your warehouse’s lighting to a light-emitting diode, making it the go-to place for anything you need.


