How to install Cyanogenmod 12 on the Moto G

You can now install Cyanogenmod 12 on the Moto G, while Cyanogenmod 12 hasn’t officially been released but XDA user Alberto97 has just published an CM12 Build for the Moto G. Cyanogenmod 12 which is based on Android 5.0 Lollipop is expected to be released soon, the team recently pushed out the last version of Cyanogenmod 11 M12.

Keep in mind that the Wifi Hotspot, camera and LPM mode don’t work and in recent patches the Wifi issues have been fixed and Mobile Data. This requires you to have a rooted device, AmongTech isn’t responsible for any damage this may cause to your device.

Install Cyanogenmod 12 on the Moto G

  1. You can Download CM12 for Moto G here:
  2. Download Gapps for CM12 here:
  3. Flash both the ROM and Gapps on your SD card
  4. Reboot in Bootloader Mode
  5. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
  6. then proceed to Wipe Dalvik cache
  7. Wipe/Format system (before this, learn how to make a backup here)
  8. Install the CM12 ROM
  9. Once done, Install the CM12 Gapps
  10. Reboot your device
  11. voila!



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