How to install CM12 Android 5.0.2 on the Galaxy S4

Google has officially only released Android 5.0.2 on the Nexus 7 but CM12 based on Android 5.0.2 makes it possible to install Android 5.0.2 on the Galaxy S4 (Qualcomm Models only). While this does require a rooted Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.2 Galaxy S4 does bring some big changes, make sure to check out the full Android 5.0.2 changelog.

Cyanogenmod 12 comes with all classic CM features and Android 5.0.2 but is not official yet, CM12 will be released in the up coming weeks, check out the full CM12 Changelog and list of confirmed devices.

CM12 Galaxy S4 Android 5.0.2

How to install CM12 Android 5.0.2 on the Galaxy S4 (Qualcomm models)

  1. Download CM12 Android 5.0.2 for the Galaxy S4
  2. CM12 Gapps
  3. Connect your S4 to your PC
  4. Transfer the file to your SD Card
  5. Reboot into recovery mode
  6. Perform a full device, cache and dalvik cache swipe
  7. Then choose the “install zip from SD card” option
  8. Select the Cyanogenmod 12 Android 5.0.2 file
  9. Once done, hit the “Reboot system now” button



Google, Mobile, Samsung