If you own a Mac but also happen to own an Android Smartphone it might not always be easy to find guides on How to root your Android device or for example how to install ADB and Fastboot on your Android smartphone. This last one is actually really easy to do and we are going to show you just how you can install ADB and Fastboot if you are using a Mac:
- Create a new folder on your desktop called “Android”
- Download the Android SDK from here
- Unzip it and the contents of the “android-sdk-mac_x86” folder into your android folder.
- Then run the “Android” executableÂ
- Once it is done, open up the Tools file
- . Make sure both “Android SDK Tools” and “Android SDK Platform-tools” are selected within the tools folderÂ
- Once done, go into the platform-tools folder inside your android folder,
- copy adb and fastboot and paste them into the root of your android folder.
- Voila!