How to change the white Apple boot logo on iOS 7

You know that little white Apple logo that appears when booting up your iDevice? you probably do as you have seen it a thousand times already, that might just be one of the reasons you want to change it or to simply show off how cool your booting up logo is. All though it isn’t as easy as on Android, there is a way that allows you to change the white Apple logo which appears when booting up your iPhone or iPad device running iOS 7.1, here is how:

[Before starting: This does require your device to be jailbroken and it requires you to have Cydia installed]

  1. First we are going to install Winterboard, this can be done from the Cydia app, go to Search and type in “winterboard” proceed to install the App and restart.
  2. Once Winterboard is installed we are going to get SuperHero Bootlogos on your device, look the app up on Cydia and install it, once done make sure to restart your device
  3. SuperHero BootLogos is also the app we are going to use to change the logo that appears when Booting up, this can be done from Settings > Winterboard > Select Themes and then proceed to choose the logo you want to appear. Once done, tap Respring.
  4. Shut your device off
  5. Turn it back on and voila!

There are some pretty creative logos out there that you can use, here are some examples