How Technology is Improving the Workplace

Technology has changed the way we live our daily lives; from the way we interact with one another to what we do in our spare time. It has also had a profound effect on the workplace, with most offices almost unrecognisable from what they would have looked like 20 or 30 years ago. There may be a few negatives, such as the health effects of being sat in front of a screen all day, but for the most part technology has and continues to improve the workplace.

Increased Productivity

Machines have made many processes a lot quicker and easier in the workplace. From being able to print a label in seconds to having instant access to thousands of important documents on one server, hundreds of work hours are saved each year. To get a few posters printed off 20 years ago would have required taking the designs to a professional printer, waiting and spending a lot more, whereas now it can be done in the office in seconds. Allowing workers to spend less time doing such tasks means they can dedicate more to growing the company.

Improved Communication

Whatever your job may be, mobile phones have made communication a lot better. Journalists, police and others who work out in the field can quickly get in touch with those back at work for example. Businesses that have offices all over the world can get in touch with co-workers simply, with email and other online communication tools improving worker and customer communication options.

Better Security


As the internet grew and grew, so did the threat of viral attacks. Thankfully security measures have improved alongside it and online security is now better than ever. Technological developments have also made the physical workplace a lot safer as well. From cameras and security locks, to offices which use face identity to let people in, many businesses can now rest assured that their assets are safe when they leave work on an evening.


The workplace itself is changing for many people too, with the reliance on computers and the internet to complete many jobs meaning a lot can be done from home. This flexibility is an improvement for a lot of people, as it means they can work more on their own terms, allowing them to pick up kids from school while still holding a full-time job for example.

There are bound to be more technological advancements in the coming years, all of which will further improve the workplace for everyone.

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