How CBD Tincture Can Elevate Your Central Nervous System

Ever hear of the Central Nervous System, or CNS for short? It’s what governs most of  our body’s mind and body functions. Interestingly enough, CBD affects the CNS and can help restore homeostasis within you. This means, you will feel more balanced as you move through your day. Soon, the workload of your career will not consume your mind and external stresses won’t affect you as much. If you were to ingest CBD tincture every day — what would your life look like?

If you were to have tincture every day your life would change for the better. When all aspects of your life change, it resets your mind’s thought patterns and allows a better, fresh perspective on the world. Who wouldn’t want that? Better yet- CBD tincture can mix with all kinds of drinks and foods. It’s hard to find a vegan CBD tincture that mixes well in any food, that’s why we linked a great one for you. But the possibilities are almost limitless where you can drop your tincture! Making this the easiest way to turn your life around in an easy, painless way. 

This new-leading compound called cannabidiol, CBD for short, is on the way to making history. The natural plant molecule has special properties that affect our body’s endocannabinoid system. The holistic manner of CBD is partly why the popularity is continuing to grow. The natural compound can be introduced in many ways, but one popular method is tincture. “What is tincture,” you may ask? Well, it’s when the hemp plant, from which CBD derives from, is placed in a large, boiling vat with other ingredients. These ingredients vary from natural plants and flowers for taste and mct oil or alcohol base that are great for absorption. 

How CBD Tincture Can Elevate Your Central Nervous System - 2

When the tincture is ready to be bottled, sold, and administered to your food, drink or tongue, the tincture makes its way to your endocannabinoid system, which in turns helps your central nervous system function. That’s how CBD tincture can play such a huge part in people’s lives even though there is almost no hard work on your part. Now that you understand the basics, we can now get back to trying a serving of CBD tincture everyday — and what it can do to you. 

How can we make sure this works? Well – we did a test. We had a volunteer guinea pig, we’ll call him Daryl, whose workload never seems to end and has a young family of seven take on this challenge of having a serving of CBD tincture every day. He began implementing it into his daily life by dropping some of his tincture into his oatmeal every morning. By mid-day of day one, he said he felt all his anxiety disappear. His Central Nervous System seemed to calm down over the course of a few hours! Daryl was shocked – but his CNS wasn’t. Now, over the course of week he stated he had “never felt so good.” Every day he would change the way he administered the tincture. Sometimes it was in food, sometimes it was in a fresh smoothie or his coffee. Either way, he said he no longer felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and could finally be in the moment with whatever task he was presented with. This newfound focus allowed him to get a job promotion a month in and some bonus points from his wife for volunteering to take the children to more sporting events they were apart of. Since his CNS was calm, Darly was free to live his life the way he truly wanted to. 


