What Happens When Broadband Goes Valued-Added?

Offers, deals and discounts have made easier for many people. There’s a small trap sometimes that people fail to see. But more than often, it is the best way a business can attract more customers, especially during the off-season time. Sometimes you wait for a while and get a better deal of a product launched a few months back. When it is something related to technology, it may have already become obsolete and hence, the company is selling it at a discount. Or else, it may be something which is not trending and hence, they want to sell it off for a lesser amount to do away with the stock. That’s the risk involved with discounts and offers mostly. Sometimes you may even get a slightly damaged or used product or else a display piece which may not look as charming as a brand new one yet will have full functionality. In such cases, if you know what you are getting and still go for it, it may be a good deal after all. But then there are some genuine offers provided to attract customers when a new product or service is launched into a new market. These are genuine offers intended to attract customers when they are entering a new market or a new product entering an existing, highly competitive market.


Deals on Services – Value-Addition

Generally, we find discounts on grocery, fashion, electronics and similar other consumer products. What happens with the services? How can services offer discounts or offers and penetrate the market? When it comes to services, customers usually relate a higher service charge with better service quality. This is good as long as the expected quality is maintained by the service provider. But when a new product is trying to penetrate an almost-saturated market, can deals really help them? This is a huge risk as far as the new product or company is concerned. Instead of slashing their rates and raising a doubt among the customers regarding the quality, they offer value-added services. Value-addition is the new way to attract customers. The start-ups are leveraging with this new concept in selling. Instead of slashing the rates, they provide more than what the competitors provide for the same rate. The service provider is saved as it does not affect their turnover though it may affect their margins because of the cost of additional service provided and the customer is delighted to get more that what they usually get without compromising the quality of actual service anticipated.

Value-Addition in Internet Broadband

While this has taken the service sector worldwide by storm, the broadband sector has particularly gained from value-additions. With improved technology, the cost of many products and services has decreased considerably. While the service provider will incur some cost to procure the latest technology, he will eventually gain from it due to the decrease in cost of providing the service. One such technical advancement has revolutionized the Internet broadband sector considerably. Though fibre optics has been in use by the broadband providers, the higher cost involved in installing them were keeping the internet service providers from providing the high-speed internet using fibre optics widely. Now with technical advancements, the cost of providing broadband services via fibre optics has decreased to a great extent and hence many ISPs like BigPipe NZ are making use of this new technology to provide high-speed internet to residences. Fibre optics has many advantages over the regular telephone cable generally used by internet providers and hence those using this technology leverage from those advantages.

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With fibre optics, the ISPs are able to provide many value additions to the customers for the same competitive rates they charge. Some of them are:

  • High-Speed Internet – Fibre Optic cables provide high-speed internet at competitive rates for the residential users also. While, till recently, fibre optics was affordable only to big companies, now the resident users also find it affordable as long as it provides high-speed internet for their residential use.
  • Consistent Connection – With fibre optics, the internet connection is very consistent as the commercial users would want it. It is a value addition as far as the regular cable internet users are concerned. A regular internet connection using telephone cables tend to be inconsistent as far as the speed and connection are concerned.
  • Free Landline connection – This is definitely a value-addition many customers adore. With fibre optics enabled broadband that provides high-speed and consistent internet connection, comes an option for a rent-free landline. The only difference here is that the landline uses the internet to call. Since most of the people use mobile phones which are more convenient to use and come with cost-effective plans, no one considers keeping a landline unless there’s someone at home who cannot use a mobile phone. But the rental they have to pay for keeping the landline is usually much more than the call charges. So getting a rent-free landline which they can use for an emergency purpose is a considerably good value-addition.
  • No additional installation – In spite of going for a higher technology, the subscriber does not have to incur additional installation cost as the fibre optics cable installation outside is covered by the ISP and it is connected to the outer socket of the existing internal cable. This makes life easier for the subscriber while enjoying all the benefits of the fibre optics broadband.

With value-additions, Internet broadband has been able to reach out to more residential customers than anticipated otherwise.

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