Grow Your Business Through The Cloud

In 2019, the U.S. spent about $124.6 billion on cloud computing technology, making it the world’s dominant public cloud market. It’s likely your business is already using cloud computing to store, manage and process data in some capacity. If not, now is the best time to start, giving your customers the best experience possible. After all, you care about providing quality customer care and timely, affordable service. Transitioning your processes to the cloud ensures your business continues to do so for years to come.

Old-Fashioned Values Meet Modern Practices

You value efficient communication with customers and energizing workplace engagement. Utilizing the cloud can increase and improve your interactions with patrons and employees alike. From lightning fast service to flexible work schedules, using the cloud to run your business makes everything smoother. You work hard to protect your clients’ assets, and cloud services also more readily guarantee secure storage of your business contacts. At the end of the day, whatever you value in your business will be protected and enhanced when you take advantage of technology to track orders, ship products or connect with customers.

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Public Versus Private Clouds

As of 2018, 77 percent of businesses use the cloud to operate at least one of their programs or applications. Whether you’re new to cloud computing or have been using it for years, it’s important to consider whether public or private cloud hosting is best for your business. The main difference is simple, and often the decision comes down to your company’s size. If you go with a private cloud, it is your responsibility to host and maintain the cloud in the company’s data center. This is often a better fit for larger businesses with more digital resources. For smaller businesses, public hosting is often a better solution. In this scenario, a provider hosts your data and is responsible for any updates and maintenance.

The Future Of Business In The U.S.

Cloud computing has been the undeniable wave of the future for years. However, as the business world shifts in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud computing becomes even more necessary. People are telecommuting, sharing documents from a distance, and shopping online now more than ever. There is no doubt that this will forever shape the way we do business. Even if you aren’t able to take your entire operation to the cloud, now is the time to try something new. Create a mobile app for your business or set up online sales to start. Train your employees to interact with the cloud, and make sure they understand how to utilize it for literally anything your business does. This takes time and requires a shift in mentality, but with a bit of encouragement and incentive, you can change your company’s culture to a cloud-first mindset.

Regardless of how your business has operated in the past, now is the time to take it into the future. From secure storage to timely communication, the possibilities are endless when it comes to taking your business online and into the cloud.



Internet & Software