Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5S Fingerprint scanner, which one is better?

The guys over at iCrackUrDevice have released a video comparing the iPhone 5S Touch ID Fingerprint scanner with the yet unreleased Samsung Galaxy S5 which Samsung introduced at MWC 2014. The new Samsung Galaxy S5 also features a fingerprint scanner which can be used by moving the finger from the top to the bottom, while on the iPhone 5S you simply have to put your finger on the homebutton.

Both devices have its pro’s and con’s but iCrackUrDevice specially complained about the accuracy of the Galaxy S5, since you have to slide your finger over the button and it makes it harder to get it right. On the other hand, the fingerprint scanner of the Galaxy S5 is more capable. Samsung also claims their system doesn’t have the same “Fade” issue that was present on the iPhone 5S which over time would get slower and less accurate (something that has been fixed with iOS 7.1)



Apple, Mobile, Samsung