Four Reasons Why Your Website Might Not Be Working

If you have built a website for your company but it is not managing to produce the results that you hoped for, then you are almost certainly doing something wrong. But what exactly is it that you are doing wrong and what can be done to fix it? The good news is that there is almost certainly a cure – it might require a bit of hard work or the spending of some cash, but it can be done. So, if this is a position that you find yourself in, here are a few factors that you might want to consider when analysing where it all went wrong.

Search Engine Optimisation

One of the simplest ways to drive traffic to a website is through optimising the platform for search. In the old days, we listed our businesses in the phone book. It is still an option, but the truth is that most people now make use of the internet to discover new companies or businesses. This means that Google has now replaced the phonebook and that as a result, you need to make sure that you can be easily found there. While optimising for search is something that you might want to try to sort yourself, you would be better off working with a Sydney SEO company who are experts in the field. They will know all the latest tricks and be able to get you onto the right track.

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What the user experiences when they visit your website is very important. The site needs to look good, it needs to be functional and easy to navigate and it needs to be current. There are ways of doing things that are considered best-practice and it is important that your website ticks all those boxes. User Experience is something that can now be studied at the tertiary level and it is important – because a poor experience means that the user will not return for a second time.

Unrealistic expectations

Your website might not be achieving the results that you expected because your expectations are unrealistic. So, ask around. What are other websites in the same field or genre managing? Just because you have invested in a digital platform doesn’t mean that you are now going to be a millionaire. It is a complicated space and there are a lot of important questions to ask and analysis to perform. Are you getting traffic but failing to convert into sales? Are you lacking in the traffic department? What is considered good traffic for a site in your field? If you can answer these questions you will be well on your way to creating a set of realistic expectations.

Fuel the ecosystem

While traffic can sometimes appear to arrive on a website by magic – especially if your SEO is done right, it is also important that the other elements of the ecosystem are done right as well. In this regard, it is important that your website is supported by other calls to action – things like regular newsletters to subscribers and the intelligent use of social media technology. People are lazy and need to be reminded of digital destinations. The reality is that if you want to drive numbers, you need to find ways to initiate the interactions.



