One of the main new features in iOS 8 (for a full list of changes, head over here) is the added support for third party keyboards. A feature that has been available on Android for a long time and was much requested by the users and has finally been added in iOS 8.
Fleksy will be the first to bring a third party keyboard to iOS 8. If you are running iOS 8 on your iPhone or iPad, check out the app here where you can check it out yourself
So why should i care about this? We might not all like Apple’s default keyboard on iOS and developers can now add their own keyboard (or award winning keyboards like Fleksy) to their app, allowing users to choose what keyboard they prefer.
This also allow for a whole new way of using your keyboard as developers can add gestures for different things like swipe right to insert a space, swap down with 2 fingers to hide they keyboard etc.
What Apps are already running Fleksy that i can check out? (remember that in order for this to work you need iOS 8) WordBox, Dispatch, Tweetings and Fnotes