Final version of Paranoid Android 4.4 now available [APK]

Paranoid Android is now stable for daily driving, as it hits its final version Paranoid Android 4.4, which according to the developers is “the most stable experience since 4.0+”. The new version brings which was announced via G+ the update brings a bunch of bug fixes, improvements, UI tweaks and includes upstream patches from Android Kit Kat 4.4.4. Here is a full list of changes:

  • Upstream for Android Kit Kat 4.4.4
  • Redesigned volume button
  • improvements made to “Hover” to work better on tablets
  • small changes made to “pie” as it now follows same behavior of navigation bar on phone when in landscape
  • New dialer app added in 4.4.3 is now available too
  • Fixed issue causing blank screen to appear
  • Smaller changes(bug fixes and general improvements) to Battery Tile, Status Bar, Recent screen, Documents UI, Paranoid OTA app and Translations

You can download it now for the Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Nexus 10 and Galaxy Nexus here and for other devices here

paranoid android 4.4



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