Over the past few days you might have heard Twitter has now started tracking app downloads on Android devices and iOS devices as a way to provide more targeted ads and with this generate more revenue. This of course is a huge invasion of privacy and many users have complained about Twitter’s new method of getting user data but there is a way to disable it. Keep in mind that Twitter doesn’t track the data inside the app, just what you download.
How to disable Twitter app tracking downloads
For iOS users
- Open up the Twitter app
- Head over to Settings from your Profile
- Go to Account and Choose your current account
- Select “Privacy”
- Disable  “Tailor Twitter based on my apps”
For Android users
- Head over to the Twitter app
- Go to Settings
- Choose your account
- Look for “other”
- Disable “Tailor Twitter based on my apps”
The new Tracking feature has been added in the latest app update, if you download it you will automatically agree on letting Twitter track all of your app downloads. Another alternative to this and to make sure you really aren’t being tracked is using a third party Twitter app like Tweetbot or Talon.