Data Breaches And Their Causes

Data breaches become more likely as the everyday technology we use advances. Gone are the days when our biggest worry was opening up a URL in an easily detectable fake email. These days we need to be wary of the tools that are most convenient.

The infographic I am sharing below provides ten of the most important to be aware of. One of them on the list is LastPass which I find invaluable. It automatically stores all of my password on the cloud for every website I use. While I love this convenience, it’s clearly a dangerous solution to have one password that can be accessed for everything I do.

On a larger level that most of us have no control over is hacks of company data. You remember when Sony was hacked because of the film about North Korea, right?

There are plenty of examples to go around. Will you reconsider any of this now knowing what the infographic shows?


The 10 biggest data breaches and their causes – An infographic by the team at Redpixie

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The 10 biggest data breaches and their causes – An infographic by the team at Redpixie



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