Create Personal and Corporate Email Signature with NEWOLDSTAMP

Signature is an inseparable element of any letter. Being a logical ending of a letter, it conveys some special meaning and helps make connection between the sender and recipient more personal. Putting signature is especially crucial at the end of a business letter, as it helps attract attention of the recipient. Since we live in the age of electronic technology and most letters are electronic today, many people are using email signatures.

Email signature is a powerful self-promotion and business marketing tool, that helps spread a word about your business or services without the need of involving additional resources. An email having a professionally-looking signature has more chances to draw a recipient’s attention and therefore not be marked as “Spam”.

So what do you need to do to get your own email signature? Everything is pretty simple – just go to and create it. Generating an email signature has never been easier and the whole process will take just a couple of minutes. With NEWOLDSTAMP you can create both personal and corporate email signature.

NEWOLDSTAMP never stops improving their service. Thus the company has recently added a few unique features for corporate signatures, like

Central management of all company signatures
Easy user-friendly signature creating tool
All your images, icons, banners and signatures fast hosting
Unlimited signature installations
Professionally crafted signature templates
Major email clients support
All users signature and their status management
Pictures/Logo manager
Social media icons packages
Easy access to all the signature with preview and additional info
Access to all users for editing and installation from a dashboard
Green Messages
Legal Disclaimers
Signature installation guides and support

Whether you need personal or corporate email signature, NEWOLDSTAMP is the best choice for you. It supports all major email clients, including Gmail,,Yahoo Mail, Outlook (MS Office), Thunderbird, iPad/iPhone and Apple Mail. Moreover, you will find a step-by-step installation guide for each of these clients.

Email signature is a key to a successful business correspondence, so use this chance to make your emails more personal or informative. With NEWOLDSTAMP you will easily create an email signature tailored to the specific requirements of your business. In doing this, you will get a unique chance to advertise your services or company with every sent email.


