How to Best Earn Revenue through Reseller Hosting

A reseller hosting program can be a great way to make money online. On the surface, it seems like a very simple business you can succeed in. You’re offering a service that every business owner and professional needs. But what most people don’t notice until later on is that it is a very challenging business model. The reason for this is that you are competing with many web hosting companies and people promoting their reseller hosting programs.

1. Offer an Incentive

If you want to stand out with your hosting service, you can do so by offering customers an incentive for signing up with you. Think about what you can offer to your customers that will be of value to them. As you know, most of your customers will be small business owners. For this reason, you’ll probably do well offering something business or tech related.

Some resellers offer a free digital course as a bonus for signing up to their service. There are some that even offer a software suite as a bonus. If you’re looking to offer a digital product, you may be interested in looking for private label products that you can buy, rebrand and offer to your customers. You may want to even consider creating your own digital product. There are many eBook compilers, membership site builders and video recording software that are freely available on the web.

2. Create and Distribute Content

Content marketing is one of the best ways to market your hosting service. There are a wide variety of topics that you can create for small business owners. The list includes everything from web hosting, social media, SEO, pay per click, affiliate marketing, to blogging. You’ll have no problems coming up with great content for small business owners. However, you should aim for content that targets business owners that are new to setting up and building websites.

The other part of it will be getting you content distributed. Some ideas for getting your content out there includes social media, article sites, guest blogging, exchanging content with other related sites and press releases. It’ll help to build an audience first through a blog so that you can leverage your audience to get your content out there. If you’re fairly new to marketing online and don’t have an audience, you can still use those strategies to get your content out there.

3. Set Up Multiple Lead Generation Campaigns

How to Best Earn Revenue through Reseller Hosting - 2

To get the word out about your hosting service, you want to have multiple lead generation campaigns to bring in targeted prospects. For instance, you can distribute a white paper and have it link to your email subscription list. You can sponsor a podcast or create one yourself. The number of things you can do is endless. You just have to be creative about your marketing.

The idea here is to build multiple small campaigns and generate leads from multiple sources. You want to do this to figure out what strategies are the most effective for lead generation and to diversify your lead sources so that the leads don’t dry up when something changes. Once you figure out the best strategies for lead generation, you can put more focus on these strategies and scale up your campaign.

4. Advertise on Relevant Sites

There are many websites, blogs and forums that cater to small business owners and users that are looking to build their own websites. By signing up to Google Adwords and using their content network, you can run ads on these sites. To go about doing this, you’ll need to use Google and look for websites that you can advertise on. You can use Google’s tool to find sites related to small business and website design/development, but it helps to be specific and find sites on your own as well.

You’ll also come across sites that don’t run Google Ads on their site. In this case, you’ll need to contact the site owner and ask about their ad rates. When you start the campaign, you’ll most likely lose a little money or break even on your initial advertising campaign. But remember that web hosting is a recurring service and customers stay many months or even years. If you offer a great service, then you can expect them to stay a customer for quite some time.

5. Take Advantage of the Backend

Many resellers seem to focus on the initial revenue from the web hosting service. But they can increase their earnings by focusing on the backend. Acquiring the customer in the first place is the challenge. Once you get the customer, you want to think about how you can maximize the value of the customer. There are many different products and services that you can promote to your customers.

Start by asking them to sign up to your email newsletter and follow your blog. Then, continue to build a relationship with your customers by delivering great content on a regular basis. Once you establish the relationship you can promote other products as an affiliate. This can be digital marketing courses, subscription to software tools (SEO, social media, email marketing) and professional services.

These are some of the best ways to earn revenue through the reseller hosting program. To succeed as a reseller, you want to sign up with a parent hosting company that offers a great service to begin with. Make sure the one you choose offers flexible plans, high uptimes and great support. One final tip is to make sure that you focus on delivering outstanding support if you want to retain your customers. Many customers care more about support and service than the pricing.