45 Best Cyanogenmod 12 Themes – Download the Best CM12 Themes

Material Design gave Cyanogenmod theme designers a whole new range of things to work with and the truth is that Google hasn’t released its full potential with the Stock Android 5.0 Lollipop theme. CM12 features one of the most powerful theme engines available allowing users to customize Material Design to their liking with different themes.

Also don’t forget to check out the list of new features that will be available in the Theme Engine on Cyanogenmod 12, among the new features are App Themer and Paid themes.

First we will take a look at a list of the 4 best CM12 Themes and later on we will show step for step How to install Cyanogenmod 12 themes.

Best Cyanogenmod 12 Themes

 1. Gem (Download)

GEM CM12 theme

Gem is our number 1 out of 5 in our list of the best Cyanogenmod 12 Themes. GEM is one of the few themes that instead of replacing Material Design complements it. The theme gives CM12 500 new launcher icons, a new font, new bootanimations, new system sounds and more.Gem is available in 3 colors Flat, Emerald and Ruby.

2. Flux (Download)

Flux cm12 theme

Flux is one of the more popular themes and will completely change the way your device feels and looks. Flux can be considered a minimalist theme that incorporates the flatness of Google’s Material Design in one, dark colored theme.

3. Zyxx (Download)

Zyxx Cm12 Theme

Zyxx, similar to Gem complements Material design and makes very few changes. Instead, it does small tweaks like conjoining the status bar and action bar as well as improving the already beautiful color pallet of lollipop this theme accomplishes its goal by making your device look even better without having to completely transform your device

4. Voltare (Download)

Voltare CM12 Theme

Voltare is the theme with the most themed Google apps. Voltare has themes for Google Keep, Keyboard, Play Store, Google Translate and more. The UI has a black background with bold colors that makes the UI standout.

Don’t forget to check out our list of the best Cyanogenmod 11 Themes (CM11 Themes)

Honorable Mentions among the best CM12 Themes

Bellow is a list of themes, that all though didn’t make it to our Top 4 are still worth mentioning (keep in mind that they are not in a specific order):

1. Zenith CM12 Theme: Download
2. Elixium UI: Download
3. Flats: Download
4. Dark Material: Download
5. CM12/RR/LS Blue theme: Download
6. Tigers Eye: Download
7. Different: Download
8. Bianco BETA: Download
9. CM12/RR/LS Red theme: Download
10. CM12/RR/LS Teal Cm theme: Download
11. CM12 Red Theme: Download
12. CM12 Blue Theme: Download
13. Dark Material Orange : Download
14. Dark Color Theme: Download
15. Rojo Theme: Download
16. Hurricane : Download
17. Emerald Cyan Theme: Download
18. Dark Material Red: Download
19. Dark Material: Download
20. Minimal Line Style: Download
21. Gemini: Download
22. Dragonfly: Download
23. Snow Breeze: Download
24. PiazzA: Download
25. Zyxx UI: Download
26. Bianco BETA: Download
27. Rust: Download
28. Saturn: Download
29. Quantum Material: Download
30. Material Glass : Download
31. Aurum: Download
32. Dark Holo: Download
33. CM12 Emerald Cyan Theme: Download
34. Material Light theme: Download
35. Antares: Download
36. Under Glass: Download
37. Dark Black Blue: Download
38. Funky Material: Download
39. Merlot: Download
40. Clean UI Colors: Download
41.  Fresh UI Colors: Download
42. Satus: Download
43. Damselfly: Download
44. Flat colors: Download
45. Floating: Download

How to install Cyanogenmod 12 themes

Now that we have found and downloaded our favorite theme it is time to install one of the Best cyanogenmod 12 themes. The installation process is easy and explained bellow:

  1. Download your Theme
  2. Install it (simply click the downloaded .apk or wait for the Play Store app to finish installing)
  3. Head over to Settings
  4. Navigate to “Themes”
  5. Select your theme
  6. Make sure to check all options
  7. Hit the “Apply” button
  8. Reboot your device



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