Android M Final name is “Android Milkshake”

Android Milkshake will be the official name of Android M from now on according to Androidbean. Previously Google unveiled the Android 6.0 name as “M” but won’t officially release the real name until the final release of the latest Android version.

Google has a history of calling Android after deserts and snacks, previously the official name was rumored to be Android 6.0 Muffin, other rumored names are Android 6.0 Milky Bar, Android 6.0 Milky Way, Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Android 6.0 M&M, Android 6.0 Mud Cake, and Android 6.0 Mars



The hint was spotted during the Google I/O event where Dave Burke (VP Engineer at Google) was wearing a Watch Face of a Milkshake hinting at the “M” meaning Milkshake. Take a Look at the picture bellow and make sure to share your thoughts:

Android Milkshake



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