Android M Compatible Devices – A full list of compatible Android M devices

As Google I/O comes closer, speculation on what devices will receive the upcoming Android 6.0 “Muffin” update have already started. During this year’s Google I/O 2015 taking place at  at 12:30PM on 28 May Google will release Android M, the update will bring new improvements like multi windows, new notifications, built in Android auto support, Android TV support and much more.

Of course in order to be able to enjoy all these new features your device must support the latest version. With Android 5.0 Lollipop some manufacturers took months before they finally released the update but with Android 6.0 “Muffin” most devices will most likely not even receive it.

Android M Compatible Devices – A full list of devices

Android M compatible devices

According to the guys over at AndroidPIT most device’s won’t receive Android M as the choice is to manufacturers to release the new OS. According to sources, Android 5.0 Lollipop already took care of “64-bit processors and large amounts of RAM.” and that Android 6.0 “M” will require much better hardware in order to work smooth.

Even the Nexus line up of devices will most likely not receive Android 6.0, specially not the older models like the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2013) and Nexus 10. However, the Nexus 6 will most likely receive it, so will the new Nexus 5 2015 Edition which will be a 5.2-Inch version of the Nexus 5 manufactured by LG expected to be revealed during this years Google I/O. Don’t forget to check out the Android 6.0 Release Date and list of Android 6.0 Features

Android M Compatible Devices – List of new features

With the leak of new information we also got our first official list of new features that Google will reveal during Google I/O 2015. Bellow is a list of all Android 6.0 Muffin features (source):

  • New Interface (Improvements to Material Design)
  • Multi-Window option
  • Improved notifications
  • Smart Home
  • Android TV support
  • Built-in Android Auto Support
  • Voice access
  • Improved security that allows inclusion of a killswitch into smartphones



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