Android Lollipop OTA Bricked Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 devices

Many users are starting to report their device getting bricked after upgrading their Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 via OTA. While it doesn’t seem to affect any specific Android Lollipop version but the issue seems to be fairly widespread.

Users have been reporting their problems on the Google Product Form post with the title “Nexus 7 stuck on Google Screen” where since December users have been reporting bricking issues with their device, it now seems to also have affected Nexus 5 users. The issue seems to vary as some users can not get past the Google logo in the boot screen, others are unable to boot into recovery or get stuck for hours on the Fastboot “Erase Userdata” screen.

Users are also trying to start getting #NEXUS7BRICKED trending in a hope both Asus and Google give a compensation for those affected by the Android Lollipop OTA Bricked Nexus 5 and Nexus 7

So my Nexus 7 2013 edition is stuck on the Google screen.  The tablet is not rooted and is totally stock the way it came.  I have been reading that Android 5.0 has caused the issue but I have yet to find a solution.  When I called ASUS they told me it was out of warranty and there is nothing they can do about it.  Can someone please tell me how to fix this issue.

It does seem like the issue has started appearing several days or even weeks after users upgraded to a newer Android Lollipop version

Asus Nexus 7 2013 32g 5.0.2 about 3 weeks after update. I did notice it got warmer than normal.  When the issue happend I was downloading updates from the play store. It froze so the normal thing was to do a soft reset (hold power down for 10+ seconds) after that tried to turn it on and it stayed on the Google logo black screen. Attempted a hard reset (power + vol down and going to recovery) it act like it goes through but then get a stuck on wiping data.

It seems like the issue is now also getting wide spread attention on Reddit where even more users are reporting similar issues affecting their device

We need your help Reddit! Neither ASUS or Google have responded to the issue, and since many of us dont have valid warranties anymore, the only response we’ve had is “Talk to your retailer”. We are trying to use the hashtag #nexus7bricked on twitter and writing to @asus @googlenexus but neither has ever responded to our cries for help.

Is there a solution for the bricked Nexus 7 and Nexus 5 devices?

While no official response from Google or Asus has been received and the symptoms seem to vary per device it is hard to give a specific answer that will solve the issue. Currently the only solution seems to be replacing the motherboard/logic board but keep in mind that this usually costs about $300 which is more then the actual device is worth.



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