Android 5.0.1 Lollipop for LG G3 Verizon rolling out now

It seems like the Verizon LG G3 is finally getting upgraded to Android 5.0.1 Lollipop according to users which are getting the OTA update.

The update with firmware number VS98523A should become available for you shortly, since the update was released so unexpected it is yet unknown exactly when you will be able to install the OTA.

LG G3 Android 5.0.1 Lollipop

LG G3 Verizon Android 5.0.1 Lollipop OTA

You can download the VS98523A OTA .zip file here. Here is how to install it:

  1. Copy the package to your device as either /storage/sdcard0/SoftwareUpdate/23A.up or /storage/external_SD/SoftwareUpdate/23A.up
  2. Run the following command:  adb shell su -c “am start -n com.lge.VerizonHiddenMenu/.fota.DmcTestFotaMenu”
  3.  click on the “Select Package” option, and then choose “23A.up” from the list.
  4. choose the “Do update” option from the menu.



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