The creators of AdBlock Plus a browse extension that blocks Ads displayed on websites is currently working on making its own browser for iOS that will block all mobile ads on your iDevice. They currently already has a browser for Android devices (which can be downloaded from the AdBlock plus website since it isn’t available in the Google Play Store). Till Faida CEO of Adblock Plus said:
“We definitely have many plans for mobile. Since browsing habits are shifting towards mobile, we also want to provide good solutions for these users. What we’re a bit afraid of is that publishers are making the same mistakes that they did on the web, placing – for lack of a better word – stupid banners on the screen. People accidentally click on the ads, they feel like websites are infringing on their privacy, and they don’t trust the products that are being advertised.”
There is currently no ad block for iOS because Apple‘s strict guidelines developers cannot develop a standalone App but instead will have to develop their own web browser in order to block ads on websites. Till Faida confirmed to Inquirer
“On iOS, there are some technical limitations, due to the fact that it is a closed system and Apple doesn’t provide as many privileges to developers – so there is not much we can do. But we are looking to alternatives. We’re not ready to announce anything yet, but we’re looking to develop our own browser that has ad blocking capabilities built into it.”
AdBlock Plus has currently been downloaded more then 10.000.000 times on Chrome and over 17.000.000 times on Firefox. As of now we got no confirmation on when this browser will be available on the App Store.