10 Tech CEO’s that have done the Ice Bucket Challenge

We all have heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge as more famous people start doing it so have Tech CEO’s from companies like Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon, Twitter and many more. For those who aren’t familiar, if you get challenged by someone to do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge you will have to donate money to the ALS foundation or throw a bucket of ice cold water on top of your head, then you get to challenge 3 other people and they have 24 hours to respond.

Since the challenge was started by Pete Frates approximately 5 million dollars has already been raised for ALS and this number will only continue to go up.

Tim Cook CEO of Apple

Bill Gates

Larry Page and Sergey Bin founders of Google

Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon

Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook

Dick Costolo CEO of Twitter

Steven Ballmer former CEO of Microsoft

Satya Nadella current CEO of Microsoft

John Ledger CEO of T-Mobile

Ralph de la Vega CEO of AT&T