6 Self-Improvement Apps That Will Change Your Life

We all want to be the best version of ourselves. But sometimes, our shortcomings get in the way and prevent us from becoming a success. The path to self-improvement is a thorny one, and embracing your imperfect side is the first step.

What do you need to do to change your life for the better today? Get rid of your old ways and adopt healthy habits. While it sounds simple, it’s not easy to do because, as we know, old habits die hard. You should arm yourself with a strong desire to change, some willpower and use a smidgen of technology.

In this post, we have pulled together a list of self-improvement apps that will help you to boost your brain work, achieve more during the day, and get healthier.

Brain training apps

This set of apps are designed to improve memory and concentration.


BrainNation is an app that offers several levels of puzzles, solving which helps strengthen memory, process new information faster, learn to think on the spot, and concentrate for longer periods. Moreover, BrainNation gives you an idea of brain functions and parts of it that you could improve. You can rely on those insights to plan your training using the app or other means.


Lumosity has a handful of games created by neuroscientists to strengthen cognitive skills by playing games. The games are set around your current ability, offering a dynamic, personalized training program that alters as you progress. You can train in several aspects, including memory, concentration, language, speed, and problem-solving.

Productivity apps

6 Self-Improvement Apps That Will Change Your Life - 2

If you are struggling to stay productive, these apps will help you get things done.


Todoist is an excellent way to organize and manage your tasks, create to-do lists, set deadlines and reminders, and even collaborate with others. It also has a handful of useful features you can play with to make it even more user-friendly. For example, you can transfer websites and articles from the web to the app, see all files you have in Gmail and use them as tasks, never forget about a task using location-based reminders, and much more.


Do you need a way to kill off distractions? Forest helps you zero in on a task in an aesthetic way. The idea is to plant a seed when you start a task and set a timer. As long as you are focused on the task, your plant grows. To keep it alive, you should keep the app open because the tree dies if you exit. Try it and see if you can grow an entire forest and boost your productivity.

Apps to get healthier

The following apps will help you adopt healthy eating and exercise habits.


Managing weight is much easier when you keep tabs on calories consumed and burnt. MyFitnessPal offers a handy calorie-counting solution with a massive database of foods. All you need to do is check what you eat against the calorie table and jolt it down into the app. It will return a report you can use to build your weight goals. MyFintessPal doesn’t offer a diet program, but you can use the information to enhance nutrition.

7-minute workout apps

Short workouts are proven to be worth it, and they are easy to stick to since they don’t take a lot of time. Importantly, exercises can be done anywhere and without special equipment. Some examples include Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Workout App, Seven App by Perigee, Wahoo 7-Minute Workouts. Download and give one of them a try on a free-base subscription.


Use these apps throughout the day as you move forward in your journey to self-improvement. Remember that you’ve made significant progress already – recognizing that there’s room for bettering yourself. Now keep the momentum going!



