5 things you need to do to take your business to the next level

In today’s digital economy, it’s easier than ever to make your brand global. No longer is growth restricted to a particular location or field – products and services can be sold around the world, and easily marketed using digital marketing campaigns. However, if you’re still in need of a push, here are five things you need to do in order to take your business to the next level.


  1. Market your business

If you want to maximise your chances of success, you should be spending between 7-12% of your annual turnover on marketing. In addition to some carefully planned advertising and pay-per-click campaigns, you should focus on building a strong brand that works across mobile, desktop and social media – and incorporate a carefully-executed content marketing strategy into proceedings, too.

  1. Find the right staff

No business can achieve substantial growth without recruiting key members of staff across all levels of the professional hierarchy. As well as finding and training new members of your team, you should incorporate a continual development plan to maximise the engagement and effectiveness of your workforce, even if that does mean investing in expensive training and development courses.

  1. Use an automated billing system

For businesses looking to achieve exponential growth, your sales and billing departments have to be unbeatable. A great sales team is essential, but removing the pressure of manually billing every client is one of the best ways to save time, money and appear more professional. With the ability to renew, upgrade, downgrade and manage your clients in one easy-to-use online portal, software like BillingPlatform can aid your growth and provide a seamless and effective method of invoicing clients, leaving you to focus on more important parts of your business operation.

  1. Focus on customer service

Customer service is an essential part of any business, and scaling your team will be vital to the success of your growth. By continually investing in customer service training, using the latest technology and social media to provide support, and using positive feedback for testimonials on your website and in marketing materials, you will be able to show potential customers that you are the right option for them. Also, it may be worthwhile to upgrade your software tools to take advantage of better options out there.

  1. Find new ways to sell your existing products

If you are looking to grow your business, then the chances are that you have already invested in an e-commerce website to sell your products and services online. However, there are still avenues of growth, such as expanding your services in developing countries. Lucrative markets include China, which has enjoyed significant GDP growth over the past several years.

Growing your business can be challenging, but by taking advantage of new technology and utilising the wealth of information online, you will be able to maximise your chances of success. “Many of the above-mentioned aspects can be done through Netsuite. It’s also worth noting that Netsuite integrations are quite easy via third party apps like Tray.” As always, remember to follow market conditions, consider the work of your competitors and continue to make improvements to your products and services to remain in the best possible position.



Tech Culture