5 of the Best eCommerce Growth Hacks to Boost Sales

Standing out in the world of eCommerce can be difficult. Here are the best eCommerce growth hacks, as told by Cosy House Collection, to increase user engagement and boost sales.

Scarcity Marketing

Scarcity marketing is a psychological strategy employed by eCommerce companies to make products seem more in demand. By specifying that there is a limited stock available, it gives added value to said product and makes a shopper feel a greater sense of urgency to buy. If customers fear that there is only a limited supply it works in two ways. Firstly, it demonstrates to the customer that other people thought this product was useful and, thus, bought it. Additionally, it makes the customer fear that there is only a limited supply left, subsequently speeding up their purchase.

Prize Roulette

Why not incentivise the client? If a browsing customer is given a chance to win something, not only will it increase their engagement with the page, it also may make them more inclined to purchase something. Cosy House Collection uses a ‘spin the wheel’ tool for users arriving to their page. The wheel appears automatically when entering the website, immediately giving the user a reason to stay on the page and interact.

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A/B Image Testing

Cosy House Collection uses A/B image testing to see where people are looking. These are random tests which experiments with simple design changes on the page to see how users are engaging with the content. Simple ways to do this include moving your call to action, changing button styles or changing your messaging. The key to A/B testing is to repeatedly test user experience. You want to know exactly what customers are seeing before they choose to make a purchase. The slightest modification in functionality, design or content could lead to greater lead conversion.

Offer Discounts

Offering discounts makes the shopper feel like they are getting a good deal and immediately feels like a ‘win’- such as this example from Calming Blankets. Even more effective, is putting the discounted price alongside the original price. This way the customer can see exactly how much they are saving. By implementing this simple hack, you are making a customer feel more inclined to buy your product as they feel like they are getting a bargain.

Trust Signals

Anything that gives your website credibility will make the customer feel more secure about buying your product. Trust signals can make a huge impact in sales conversion. Including customer reviews guarantees product quality, as told by past customers. Customers trust other customers; these reviews show impartial opinions about your product and users are likely to trust these more than the marketing language written by your company. Another indicator of reliability is a ‘safe checkout’ symbol. If customers know that their transaction is secure, they are far more likely to want to reach the checkout point.


