With an average of 95 apps installed on every Android device during its lifespan, many of these apps are deleted in a matter of minutes. After all, we mostly use the same apps we have been using for years like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and popular messaging apps like WhatsApp but what about all those other cool apps? Here is a list of the 5 Best Free Android App 2015 that every Android user should have
5 Best Free Android App 2015
1. Pushbullet
Pushbullet is our best free Android app 2015 and acts as a bridge between your mobile and desktop allowing users to easily share files and information between devices. You can send links between devices, copy files to other devices, push a link or file to someone elses phone, receive and send text messages from your computer, read notifications on your desktop that appear on your phone and much more.
You can check out Pushbullet on the Play Store here and you can download it for iOS, Windows, Mac, Safari, Chrome, Opera and Firefox here
2. Audible
Audible allows you to listen to audio books right from your smartphone. With over 150.000 titles Audible offers a wide variety of books that you can enjoy while working out at the gym or just doing laundry at home. Audible allows even the busiest among us to enjoy books with this well put together app that has many handy features like bookmarking, sleep mode, variable narration speed, multitasking etc.
Check out Audible on the Google Play Store here
3. Inbox by Gmail
Google’s own Inbox app is also among our Top 5. The app which is currently still in beta offers a revolutionary way of handling emails. It will bundle similar emails, create reminders, pin important emails to the top of your inbox and many more handy things to make everyone’s life just a little easier (specially if you are one of those that receives thousands of emails a day).
You can learn how to enter the Inbox by Gmail beta here
4. Greenify – the battery saver
Greenify allows you to take complete control of your Android apps and you can tell it what apps to put to sleep and which ones to keep updating even when not in use. By doing this, you can save tons of battery life. The app is even more useful with root privileges saving even more battery life.
You can check out Greenify on the Google Play Store hereÂ
5. Uber
2014 was definitely the year of Uber and 2015 will be no different. Uber is a private driving service, with the app you can call a near Uber driver that will pick you up and take you to your destination. It is faster and cheaper then using a regular taxi service. Wïth the app you can also pay the driver meaning you need no extra cash in hand.
Check out Uber in the Google Play Store here
Don’t forget to check out our list of the 3 best AntiVirus apps for Android of 2015 that will help you keep your device secure as malware infected Android devices has increased over the last couple of months.