The first smartwatches running Google’s own Android Wear are already available and if you already have yours, you are probably wondering what the best apps for your device are to make the most out of it. Developers have been working hard the last couple of weeks to get their Android Wear app ready before launch, lets take a look at which one are worth checking out:
1. Level Money: The bank on your wrist
Remember when you still had to go to the bank to check your account balance? Meet Level Money, the bank on your wrist. The app shows you your latest transactions and account balance. The app is definitely useful if you are someone who likes taking care of its money or is on a tight budget. Check it out on the Play Store here
2. Duolingo
We all have heard and many of us have used Duolingo at some point and their app for Android Wear is even more useful allowing you to bypass the language barrier at any time. Communication is essential in the 21st century and with Duolingo you can learn while you are on-the-go. All though the app isn’t 100% optimized for Android Wear (it doesn’t make use of the voice recognition yet) we expect these features to be added soon! Check Duolingo for android Wear out in the Play Store
3. Google Maps: The best navigation app on your wrist
We just couldn’t leave Google Maps out. Even many of you already have it and it is quiet obvious that this app works great on Android Wear, the way it has been integrated is just phenomenal. The app allows you to choose a direction and will act as a navigation device, guiding you through the city & roads until you reach your destination. Check it out on the Play Store
4. Lyft
This apps is on our list because it really gives that “wow, this is possible with technology” feeling. Similar to Uber, Lyft allows you to call a cab or a car with just a simple push of the button. Using the GPS technology, Lyft knows where you are and will send a car, you can also just use the voice recognition and say “call me a car”. Get it now on the Play Store
5. Eat24
If you are like me, you most of the time order from your local Fast-food restaurant or Chinese and Eat24 is here to make this much easier.  The app is limited to reordering from your favorite restaurants with a voice command or a few taps but in the future the app will get much more features and allow you to order from new restaurants near you. Get it now on the Play Store
Bonus: Bunting – The First Twitter client
Most of the apps we have mentioned are already famous and you might have seen them in the Best downloads list on the Play Store, but have you heard of Bunting? The very first Twitter client for Android Wear. Read more about Bunting