4 Tips for Rewriting a Blog Post

Whether or not you enjoy rewriting a blog post depends chiefly on your attitude about the process. If you view editing and reworking your writing as unnecessary or “above you,” then you’ll likely miss out on many of the benefits that reconfiguring a post offers. In addition, if you have trouble giving and taking criticism constructively, you’ll struggle to function within any blog-writing team. (This remains true even if you’re “only” writing a guest blog.) Fortunately, you can learn to think about the editing process in a different light with a little effort and perspective. To that end, here are four tips to make rewriting your blogs a more enjoyable –– and productive –– activity: 

Check the Attitude

No one likes to have their writing critiqued. It doesn’t matter how successful you’ve been in the past –– criticism is almost always difficult to swallow. However, the best writers recognize that the only way to improve their technique is through peer editing. View the editing process as a chance to get better and not as an exercise in ego. Not only will your coworkers appreciate this attitude adjustment, but it you can also become a more effective writer because of it.

Don’t be Afraid to Change Course 

Sometimes the blog you thought you were writing doesn’t turn out the way you planned. In scenarios like this, don’t be afraid to change the flow, tone, or even subject matter of your piece. In short, be willing to explore new opportunities in your work. Note: of course, sometimes you have to write about a specific topic for work. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t approach that topic in a new way. Indeed, anything you can do to make your blog original and imbue it with your voice is always beneficial –– particularly if you’re writing about industry-specific products like a 1536 well plate, or a new marketing software.

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Incorporate Fresh Details

Sometimes it’s wise for professionals to revisit old blogs that they wrote some time ago. The world changes, and happily, so can our blogs. Resist the urge to rewrite history, though. There’s nothing wrong with adding or supplementing your old pieces with new thoughts and concepts, but it’s disingenuous at best to revise your previous work to make yourself look better. Let your audience know how and why you changed a blog when you do so. 

Link to Pertinent Pages 

Want to increase your blog posts’ online presence without having to break your neck producing new articles constantly? Then going back to previous blogs and adding links and backlinks to other pages with pertinent information can help you do so. What’s more, you can link to posts either on or off your site –– just make sure you’re linking to pages with strong (and related!) content.



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