3 Big Reasons Why Your Leads Aren’t Converting Into Sales

Is there anything more frustrating than missing out on a big sale? Probably. Still, if you’ve ever put in a lot of effort to win over a lead only to lose out on their business at the last moment, then you know just how infuriating that experience can be. Yet, many businesses struggle to convert leads into sales; it is a problem that companies across industries face. Fortunately, there are measures that business leaders can take to ensure that they generate more sales and close more deals with their best leads. Here are three reasons why your leads aren’t currently converting, and what you can do to fix these issues:

Bad Lead Generation

In a broad sense, a “lead” is anyone who has an interest in purchasing a product or service from your company. Note, there’s a big difference between a good lead and a bad one. Say, for instance, that you make a living selling sports cars. Obviously, millions of people are interested in sports cars, and your site may attract thousands of “leads” who enjoy perusing the newest car models. However, relatively few visitors to your site likely have the capital and the initiative to actually make a purchase. This is an extreme example, but it’s important for all businesses to vet potential leads so as to focus on those individuals most qualified to make a purchase. Also, you may want to consider reaching out to a market research company like Communications for Research to gain a deeper understanding of your customer base.

Poor Web Design

Online consumers are not a patient bunch. When they want something, they usually want to get it right away. As such, it’s imperative that your company’s website –– particularly its ecommerce store –– functions absolutely perfectly all the time. Otherwise, you could lose out on leads who are frustrated by poor web design, a glitchy interface, or a protracted purchase process. It won’t matter much if you have a huge following on Instagram or Facebook and lots of web traffic if you then aren’t able to leverage that popularity to make digital sales! Prioritize web development and regularly check the functionality of your site to combat this issue.

Lack of Sales Resources

In order for a sales team to succeed, they need the tools to perform the job. This means that companies must align their sales and marketing departments and provide their sales professionals with valuable customer insights and useful product information. What’s more, sales teams require certain tech amenities too –– such as VoIP equipment and wireless headphones to name a few. By investing in your sales department, though, you can improve customer relations and bolster your numbers at the same time!



